Board of Directors

AAPME is a not-for-profit professional organisation founded by and managed by its Board of Directors all of whom have a keen interest in the private healthcare sector.

Dr Sidney Chandrasiri

Dr Sidney Chandrasiri

Board Chair

Dr Sidney Chandrasiri MBBS MHM FCHSM FRACMA CHIA GAICD CHE, is a Certified Health Executive (CHE), a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (FRACMA), a Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management (FCHSM), a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), and holds a Masters in Health Management (MHM) and Certification in Health Informatics (CHIA). She is a graduate of the highly selective Harvard Business School Intensive Seminar program on Value Based HealthCare and is involved in leading the development of value-based healthcare models in the private sector.


She currently holds executive health leadership roles across both the private and public healthcare sectors, including Executive Director Medical Services of a Health Network for the South Australian Department of Health and multiple Board Director roles leading the governance and strategic operations across metropolitan, regional and community health services. Prior to this she was the Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Group Director of Operations within Academic and Medical Services at Epworth HealthCare, and a sentinel event reviewer for the Department of Health, during which she established a governance systems for new technologies, positioned Epworth as the first hospital in Australia to implement Advanced Age Practitioner Credentialing successfully, and created a unique framework for Clinical Service Planning in private healthcare.

Dr Chandrasiri established a state-wide medical administration registrar training program in her role as the Jurisdictional Coordinator of Training for RACMA, has lectured on health system management to postgraduate students at Monash university, is a speaker at multiple medical forums across Australia, and publishes widely in the field of medical leadership. Her current portfolio encompasses executive health service leadership, clinical services design, strategic planning, medical workforce strategy and numerous areas across clinical governance and hospital operations.

Dr Monica Trujillo

Dr Monica Trujillo

Deputy Chair

Dr Monica Trujillo is Telstra Health’s Chief Health Officer, a role which focuses on bringing digital capabilities together to support customers solving complex problems in health and aged care sectors across Australia and the wider international markets.  As a digital health advocate and enthusiast focused on improving quality outcomes through the adoption of technology, she brings a unique range of skills built on more than 20 years of experience across different areas in the health industry and wider eco-system. With a background in medicine, executive roles and clinical informatics, Monica has been at the forefront of delivering outcomes that break barriers to promote technology, better care and active community collaboration.


Prior to her role with Telstra Health she has held roles with Cerner as the Senior Director, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Clinical Information Officer, Australia and Asia Pacific. Previous to this, she was the inaugural Chief Clinical Information Officer at the Australian Digital Health Agency responsible for clinical, consumer engagement and clinical governance leading the clinical programs establishment as well as the development of the clinical governance and stakeholder engagement framework whilst also overseeing the engagement process for the National Digital Health Strategy.

Dr Trujillo is currently a Board Member at the Australian Institute of Digital Health, Australia’s peak body for digital health. She obtained her degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1998, holds a Master of Public Health, and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Digital Health, and a Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management. She is a well-known advocate on fully and effectively engaging clinicians and consumers in the design, implementation, and sustainability of digital health solutions, in order to bring about high quality and safety outcomes.

Dr Luis Prado

Dr Luis Prado

Company Secretary

Dr Luis Prado joined the national executive of  St John of God Healthcare in 2022 responsible for Medical Services and Clinical Governance. For over 30 years he has held a number of senior medical administrator roles across Queensland Health and in the private healthcare sector. He has over 20 years  experience in the private hospital sector including roles as Chief Medical Officer and Executive Director of Academic and Medical Services at Epworth HealthCare; Director of the Medical Services at the Wesley Hospital, and Chief Medical Officer for Uniting Care Health. He is an experienced Board Director in both for and not for profit organisations.

He has also served as a medical officer with the Australian Regular Army, including deployments to the Western Sahara and Solomon Islands and commanded the 11th Medical Company at Gallipoli Barracks, Brisbane, and is a Major in Royal Australian Army Medical Corps.


Luis is an Affiliate Professor for Deakin University and has been actively involved in leading medical education in the private sector. Luis is passionate about the opportunities and future directions for medical practice and supports his vision at a more practical level by continuing to work actively as a General Practitioner in the community. Luis has been a General Practitioner since 1993 and has a particular interest in Sports Medicine. He is a Fellow of RACGP, RACMA and the first Australian to become a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and American College of Medical Quality.

In his role, Luis is responsible for the Clinical Governance, Clinical Outcomes analytics, Research, Medical Workforce, Medical Education portfolios and is the professional lead for the nearly 5000 medical practitioners who work across St John of God.

Dr Vivek Nigam

Dr Vivek Nigam


Dr Vivek Nigam is an experienced medical executive leader and currently the Interim Chief Medical Officer and Executive Director of Medical Services at Epworth Healthcare with a portfolio across medical leadership, clinical governance, research, and innovation. Vivek has previously held the positions of Executive Director Medical Services and Clinical Governance for Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District and Group Director of Medical Services at Central Coast Local Health District.


Vivek is a Fellow of RACMA, Master of Health Administration from LaTrobe University and a Graduate of Harvard executive program on managing healthcare delivery. Vivek has worked across Australia in the public and private sector and has led multiple organisational and state level innovation and projects across multiple states and overseas. Vivek is closely involved in community work with queer POC community and working to support refugee and asylum seekers including Board and Chair positions for community organisations. Vivek is also involved in Pride in medicine, an advocacy group of LGBTQI medical practitioners across Australia.

Dr Tracey Tay

Dr Tracey Tay

Board Director

Tracey has held the role of National Chief Medical Advisor for Calvary Health Care since January 2022. Calvary is a not-for-profit organisation with a national network of public and private hospitals, residential aged care, community care and virtual care services. Tracey has a long history in clinical redesign and is currently leading redesign in residential aged care, dementia and palliative and end of life care at Calvary.

Alongside her clinical work as a specialist anaesthetist at the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, until 2022, Tracey was also the Clinical Executive Director of the CATALYST Directorate at the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI). The Directorate covered a broad range of 22 statewide clinical networks improving care for people across NSW.


Tracey holds a Masters in Health Policy and is a Churchill Fellow where she investigated the ways in which high performing health systems around the world involve doctors in key decision-making.

Tracey’s other interest is in promoting good mental health for clinicians. She has been involved with the Wellbeing of Anaesthetists’ Special Interest Group for many years including a period as Chair. She is currently the Executive Sponsor for Diversity and Inclusion at Calvary after a period as Executive Ally for LGBTQI inclusion at ACI.

Dr Rex Prabhu

Dr Rex Prabhu

Board Director

Associate Professor Rex Prabhu is currently serving as the Executive Medical Director of Swan Hill District Health, Victoria for the last 5+ years. He was previously the Deputy Director of Medical Services at Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals in Sydney.  

He has been instrumental in setting up Victoria’s first end to end to end sub regional program for General Practitioner and rural generalist training in Swan Hill at a single location, starting with the establishment of a 3 year medical school program with the Charles Sturt Mallee Clinical School and post graduate pathways established to internship and successful programs for GP Registrars through to Fellowship of RACGP and ACRRM.

He was the recipient of the Distinguished service Award from ACRRM in 2023, National Health Award for excellence in rural health administration for his contributions to workforce building in Swan Hill and was awarded the Victorian Medical Specialist Award of the year at the 2023 Victorian Rural Health Awards for his contribution to advancing pathways of training and enhancing service delivery.

Dr Mellissa Naidoo

Dr Mellissa Naidoo

Board Director


Mr Shane Evans

Mr Shane Evans

Board Advisor

Shane leads MinterEllison’s national health industry group, acting exclusively for clients in this sector and possessing an in-depth understanding of health service delivery, operations and regulation in the public and private health sectors both in Queensland and nationally. Shane works with our leading infrastructure, transactional, corporate and commercial lawyers to deliver practical, industry-specific advice and outcomes for our health industry clients. This encompasses hospital developments, redevelopments and establishment of new services; commercial advice; due diligence, regulatory and operational advice for sales, acquisitions and health projects; provision of on-site health services; negotiation, review and drafting of health service, funding, research and appointment agreements; funding arrangements; and privacy obligations.

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